Organic Nutes Resources

FOOP-EDU is a curated collection of learning materials tailored to enhance your gardening journey with FOOP. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and insights to cultivate a thriving, sustainable garden. Embrace the organic revolution and let FOOP be your trusted companion in your garden and beyond.

FAQHow often should I feed FOOP nutrients to my plants?

How often should I feed FOOP nutrients to my plants?

For growing in soil: feed at least once per week (but no more than three times per week). For hydroponics or deep water culture systems: reduce the recommended feeds by 25%, and keep water temperat...


What growing media can I use with FOOP nutrients?

For best results, we recommend using any organic soil. Our nutrient line also works great in coco coir, coco/perlite/peat moss blends, as well as hydroponics and deep water culture systems.

InfographicsNutes Infographic
DatasheetFOOP Nutes
DatasheetFOOP Nutes
OMRI CertificateFOOP Nutes Bloom
OMRI CertificateFOOP Nutes Bloom
OMRI CertificateFOOP Nutes Veg
OMRI CertificateFOOP Nutes veg
VideoFOOP Hemp Farm
VideoFOOP Hemp
VideoFOOP Customer